

致力于改善你的业务, 浩博体育app提供创新, 安全, 高效的机器以诚实为后盾, 专用的, 还有那些喜欢自己工作的人,你可以相信他们的话.


詹姆斯L. Taylor创立了詹姆斯L. 浩博体育app制造 Company in 1911 to produce his patented quick-adjusting, self-locking bar clamp. 这种专利钳是一个重要的一步,在边缘胶水的木材. 在20世纪20年代,浩博体育app旋转夹具载体被开发并获得专利. 这是迈向大规模生产的重要的第一步. 1940年,浩博体育app工程师开发了Panel Flo,一种连续喂边胶机. From the very beginning, the Panel Flo was acclaimed as the answer to mass production gluing. 1950年,浩博体育app推出了面板铸币厂, a batch type semiautomatic edge gluer which filled the gap between the Clamp Carrier and the fully automated Panel Flo. 在五六十年代, 浩博体育app设计了新的成本削减配件,以恭维面板Flo和面板铸币厂. 这些包括输送涂胶机,混合机和自动切断锯. 也是在60年代, Taylor revived the Clamp Carrier design by introducing the pneumatic Clamp Tightener and Panel Flattener. 在20世纪70年代,浩博体育app面板铸币厂是机器的选择. This well designed Steam-Heated Batch Press matched with low cost urea resin glue was used by many furniture manufacturers to produce hardwood and softwood panels. 在20世纪80年代中期,浩博体育app设计并生产了第一个自动夹钳载体. This changed the direction of the Clamp Carrier line and made it the industry standard for edge gluing machines. Our history of innovation is best illustrated by our list of Challengers Award Winners and Finalists:

  • 1986 -自动夹钳载体-赢家
  • 1988年,Opti-Sizer -冠军
  • 1992 -双自动夹钳载体-决赛
  • 1994 -自动涂胶机-决赛
  • 1996 -侧装夹载体-决赛
  • 2002年-优胜者
  • 2012 -地板巢-冠军

直到2014年8月, 浩博体育app制造公司用的是45型手枪,位于波基普西市的工厂占地1000平方英尺, NY. 浩博体育app从1911年起就住在这里. Over the years the building was expanded and updated to continue to provide our customers with the quality machines. 今天, 浩博体育app制造, JLT夹, 和Cameron Automation都在同一栋楼里, a 100,位于波基普西镇,占地面积达1000平方英尺, NY. 离我们的旧设施只有几分钟的路程, our new factory has allowed us to expand as a company and continually improve our manufacturing processes. Our balanced team of seasoned professionals and young engineers will continue to develop new technology to increase efficiency, 可靠性, 产品质量.


  • Michael Burdis -国际销售

    我有40多年的工作经验. 我大部分时间都在办公室,很乐意帮你处理零件, 技术问题, 或维护. 我目前的销售重点是国际销售. 随时给我打电话或发邮件.

  • Andy Miller - Nester销售经理

    1989年,我以服务工程师的身份加入了浩博体育app. 最初的几年我花在了解行业和设备上. In 1994, I moved into a Regional 销售 Manager position and brought the technical knowledge I learned of the equipment to the sales table. 2002 was the year Cameron Automation was born and I worked closely with the development of the products and markets for this new division. 作为Taylor/Cameron和JLT夹的长期推销员, it’s my job to personally make sure the customer is comfortable with the equipment being purchased and to make sure that the equipment does the job it needs to do. 我很乐意与您一起为您的应用程序找到合适的机器.

  • Chris Hacker -东南区域销售

    I take great pride in working closely with our customers and distributors on our machinery product lines. 同时提供最优质的机械和优质的服务, 同样重要的是, 我相信, 帮助客户找到适合他们当前和未来需求的机器. 在过去的21年里,我在詹姆斯L. 浩博体育app和制造 & JLT夹 has been a result of creating long lasting relationships in the woodworking industry. 销售 & 市场营销一直是并将继续是我的主要职责和专长领域.

  • 布莱恩·史密斯- JLT销售

    我有幸在詹姆斯L. 浩博体育app和制造. Co. 2020年2月. 在那之前, I worked as an outside sales representative for 20 years with a local distributor of pneumatic components providing sales, 技术支持和客户服务.  在那段时间里,我和JLT建立了很好的工作关系.  事实上, 我最好的销售记忆之一与JLT作为我的首要客户之一在时间, 是在推广Dial Regulator吗.  This was the start of the manufacture of our Miter Door Clamp and it turned out to be the best in the industry.  So, 当有机会成为JLT大家庭的一员时, 我选择重新开始,加入他们的团队.   

    You can be rest assured that my collective 30 years of sales experience makes me not only qualified, but eager to help our customers find solutions to their manufacturing needs and to support our network of dealers.

    Feel free to contact me anytime for help with any of our JLT clamping machines or glue spreaders and accessories.  我期待为您提供一流的服务和质量, 美国制造, 能够年复一年持续生产的机器. 

  • Craig Caldwell -西部销售经理

    I have been with 浩博体育app和制造 for 26 years and have held several different positions within our company.  I started as Service Engineer and worked to become Plant Manager and then to Executive Vice President.  During my tenure as Plant Manager and Executive Vice President we have had the companies most successful years.  我们的新设施建立成功了, 这极大地提高了我们的生产和销售能力, to meeting manufacturing/production requirements and assistance in design/engineering of new products.  目前, I am taking my experience to the sales/service department and relocating to Southern California so we can better support our customers on the west coast.  I will be handling the sales effort but will also be offering my technical background to our customers in order to continue Taylor’s long history of excellent customer service.  My Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering experience gives me the insight to approach customer needs as projects, 我们会一起努力的, 得到该过程的最优解.

  • Marc Cutonilli -上中西部/加拿大东部销售

    我于2016年开始在浩博体育app工作,在那里我开始组装和培训我们的机器. I then started to travel domestically quite frequently for service and landed myself into a sales territory covering the midwest and upper split states. 我对我们的机器及其操作方式的了解是我最满意的. 如果你有任何问题,请告诉我

    • marc@gococreator.com
    • (845) 452 – 3780
  • 大卫·艾伦-中南区域经理

    我于2020年12月加入浩博体育app团队. 我是前美国海军陆战队员, 艾琳的丈夫, 是五个孩子的父亲,也是鳟鱼的狂热猎手. Prior to machinery sales and process consulting I spent nearly 20 years working in the millwork and woodworking industry. 我相信 I bring a unique point of view to the clientele I call upon because of the working knowledge and insider perspective I have on the industry I now serve.

    • david@gococreator.com
    • (832) 707 – 8392
  • Gordon Burdis -总裁,销售东北,纽约,宾夕法尼亚州

    2010年,在Taylor工厂度过了几个暑假之后,我开始了自己的职业生涯. 我在工厂的各个部门都有经验, 维修和安装机器, and a number of years managing a 销售 Territory working with our customers and distributors. 我的新职责是管理公司的销售和服务团队, 我很乐意以任何可能的方式提供帮助. 我期待着在不久的将来与您在一个项目上合作.


Sonbyrd Industries(约翰·舒梅克)

“Recently we had some issues with our Cameron rip saw and we needed to call for tech support.  我想告诉你,我在很多场合都得到了很好的服务.  Jacob and Andy Miller were both able to walk me through my difficult times and were extremely professional. 他们能够轻易地…… 阅读更多 Sonbyrd Industries(约翰·舒梅克)

Lewis Cabinet (Matt Garrett -首席运营官)

“Taylor’s attention to detail and willingness to customize a machine for our needs has been a game changer for us at Lewis Cabinet Specialties. When we came to them the issues we were facing with our existing clamp from a different manufacturer, 他们关心我们的需要, 并且愿意接受挑战,… 阅读更多 “Lewis Cabinet (Matt Garrett - COO)”

17teen20 (Jonathan Bucklew - Owner)

在与一位代表交谈后, I was confident this setup would best suit the size and needs of my shop: the 12’ JLT panel clamp (#79F-12-PC), 13 - 52”夹子, 26 - 40英寸夹具和气动面板压扁器(#180A-M2). 此外,在我的销售代表的建议下,我们增加了冲击插座…… 阅读更多 “1720年(Jonathan Bucklew - Owner)”

共同努力(Josh Aguiar - Owner)

“我喜欢我的6英尺夹架. 这是我店里的游戏规则改变者. 摆放管钳和用胶水堵住我的商店的日子已经一去不复返了. 更不用说我还省下了分组的时间. 我唯一的遗憾是我没有早点买这个,我没有得到足够的夹子. 但是… 阅读更多 “共同努力(Josh Aguiar - Owner)”

Al 's Woodcraft公司. (杰夫·亨特——总裁)

“自2002年以来,我们每天都在使用几种JLT门夹和面板夹. 他们为我们表现得很好,没有出现任何问题. 感谢JLT的质量… 阅读更多 “Al 's Woodcraft公司. (杰夫·亨特——总裁)


11月初, we had our open house showing off the latest and greatest machinery that we have to offer! If you did miss it, feel free to check out the pictures below from all three of our product lines! 我们为我们的客户提供机械的实践经验而感到自豪, 以及让他们见面[…]
